• common questions...

    What do people seek when working with you?

    Guidance. Clarity. Healing. Awareness. Manifestation. Freedom from mental constructs.

    Emotional freedom. Transformation. Health and wellness.

    Spiritual Mentorship. Intuitive development. A life of intention. Self care.

    Conscious creation. Energetic intelligence. A partner in their Soul's growth.


    Who is your ideal client?

    I am committed to those who are committed to their Soul.

    You are ready to shed emotional baggage, free yourself from mental conditioning, heal old wounds, remember your Truth, step into your power, and create the life you want to create.

    You are open-minded and understand that your external reality is a manifestation of your largely subconscious beliefs and emotions. You want to clean up your inner world in order to make the changes you want in your life - mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical. You want to learn to listen to the whisper of your Soul, connect to your Guidance, and unearth and amplify your spiritual gifts.


    What is energy work?

    Everything physical is first and foremost energetic. Thoughts, emotions, even the smallest subatomic particles, are masses of energy in motion. Energy work is simply working with our most fundamental building block - energy - for transformation from the inside out.


    Why is there such an emphasis on subconscious emotions and beliefs?

    We are energetic beings. Emotions are energy in motion.

    If we resist allowing these emotions to flow, they become suppressed and can get stuck in your energy field. This results in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease that manifests from the subconscious emotions held in the body and the beliefs we've built around them. When we bring subconscious emotions and mental programs into our conscious awareness, we can reprogram the brain to create new neural pathways and heal from the inside out – removing the seed instead of trimming the weeds.


    Why do you this work?

    This work has radically changed my life in ways that is hard to articulate.

    This work has shifted everything in my world from the way I live, my thoughts, how I see myself and others AND mostly what I believe to be possible. I have gone from fear based living and was full of self loathing and doubt to LIVING my DREAM LIFE. I started my journey over 20 years ago and did not take the easy path! I accelerated my evolution when I discovered Louise LeBrun and her work with Quantum Healing 10 years ago and began living my life inside-out. This work is my passion, my purpose and my gift to share with the world.